15 Home remedies for Menstrual-Vaginal Odor. Get Rid Of Vaginal Discharge Odor

15 Home remedies for Menstrual-Vaginal Odor. Get Rid Of Vaginal Discharge Odor

15 Home remedies for Menstrual-Vaginal Odor. Get Rid Of Vaginal Discharge Odor

Vaginal odor or Menstruation Odor is one of the most common problems associated with females. Feminine odor is mainly caused due to a bacterial infection, menstrual periods, yeast infection, poor hygiene, sexually transmitted disease and douching. Cure this problem at home with following simple natural remedies.

1. Garlic

Consume more garlic, as it has anti-bacterial properties. It will help fight the fungal infections.

2. Rice wash

To flush your genital area, simply use rice wash. It will rinse away unpleasant odors.

3. White Vinegar

White vinegar helps the unbalanced pH level of the vagina to get back its normal level while eliminating odor associated with periods. Mix half cup of white vinegar in warm water and soak your vagina in it. Continue this remedy for a week.

4. Yogurt

Consume 2 cups of plain yogurt daily as it will keep your vagina free from menstrual odor. Consume yogurt or curd; it contains good bacteria that helps balance the acidic pH levels in the vagina. Yoghurt also has lactobacillus, which is helpful in maintaining the normal pH level of the vagina.

5. Fenugreek

Fenugreek is very beneficial for women as it balances the hormones & regulates the menstrual cycles. Soak 3-4 teaspoon of fenugreek seeds in glass of water overnight, drink it throughout the day.

6. Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix half cup of apple cider vinegar in your lukewarm bathtub, and soak lower body into it for 15-25 minutes. Follow this remedy 4-5 times a week. Apple cider vinegar prevents bacterial growth and stop menstrual odor.

7. Neem/Margosa

Neem has strong antiviral, antibacterial & antifungal properties, it prevents various fungal infections like candida, yeast infections and bacterial growth during menstrual cycle that causes vaginal odor.

1.  Simply roast a handful neem leaves on the pan (dry roast) for 3-5 minutes. During these 5 minutes keep the leaves stirring to avoid over roasting.
2.  Let the leaves cool down, and then crush them to make fine powder of it.
3.  Mix 1 tablespoon of this fine powder with enough water to make smooth paste.
4.  Apply this neem paste to your vagina & surrounding areas for few minutes.
5.  Then rinse it off with normal water.
6.  Follow this remedy twice a day.

8. Tea Tree Oil

Simply add 4-5 drops of organic tea tree oil in lukewarm water and wash your vagina using this water. Tea tree oil has strong anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which helps eliminate feminine odour from the vagina.

9. Baking Soda

Baking soda helps to kill bacteria and cures vaginal infections, that causes of feminine odor. Add 1 tablespoon of baking soda in some lukewarm water and soak your vagina in this water.


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