7 Homemade Saffron Masks for Hair loss, Dark skin, Acne, Dry & Dull skin

7 Homemade Saffron Masks for Hair loss, Dark skin, Acne, Dry & Dull skin

7 Homemade Saffron Masks for Hair loss, Dark skin, Acne, Dry & Dull skin

Saffron is rich source of vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, C, iron, zinc, potassium, selenium and folate.  Saffron also has strong anti-bacterial, anti-microbial and skin lightening properties; therefore it is great for acne and pimple-prone skin.

Additionally, saffron brightens up your complexion and gives you healthy and beautiful skin.  It is effective in treating hair loss, damaged scalp, skin pigmentation, dark skin, tanned skin and dark spots.  Saffron can also relieve rashes and skin inflammations. Let’s check out 7 amazing Saffron skin mask!  

1. Hair loss & Damaged Scalp

Saffron is good in treating of baldness (alopecia), hair fall and damaged scalp.

1.  Simply soak few strands of saffron in 4-5 tablespoon of raw milk for 1-2 hours.
2.  Mix them well together. And apply over scalp using fingertips.
3.  Leave it on for 40 minutes to 1 hour and rinse it off with normal water.

This combination will prevent hair loss and very helpful in stimulating hair growth.

2. Glowing healthy skin

Saffron is highly beneficial for glowing healthy skin.

1.  Soak 2-3 saffron strands in some raw milk for 1-2 hours and then add 1 tablespoon of sandalwood powder to this mixture to make smooth paste.
2.  You can use enough milk to make smooth paste.
3.  Apply the paste on your clean face for 30 minutes and wash off using normal water.
4.  Follow this 2-3 times a week for incredible result.

3. Acne pimples & Dark spots

1.  Soak3-5 saffron strands in 1 tablespoon of raw milk for 1-2 hours.
2.  Then add 1 teaspoon of fresh basil leaves paste or juice to above combination.
3.  You can replace basil with apple cider vinegar or mint leaves or juice.
4.  Mix all the ingredients well together and apply over affected skin or entire face to get rid of acne, pimples, blemishes,dark spots and wrinkles.
5.  Repeat this daily or 3-4 times a week to prevent acne, pimples and get rid of dark skin.

5. Soft Bright skin

1.  Take 3-5 strands of saffron and soaked them into water for 2-3 hours.
2.  Then add half teaspoon of honey to above mixture.
3.  And apply it over your or massage your face.
4. Leave it on for 30-40 minutes and rinse off with normal water.
5. Repeat this 2-3 times a week for fast glowing soft skin in few days.

6. Saffron as a Toner

Saffron can be used in toning up your skin. Simply soak 3-4 saffron strands in some rose water and apply it over your skin after scrubbing.

7. Treat Dull & Dry Skin

Saffron and lemon combination can be used to get rid of dull and dry skin, Lemon cleans your skin from deep within whereas saffron gives you brighter skin.

1.  Soak 3-4 saffron strands in 2 tablespoon of rose water for 1 hour
2.  Then add half teaspoon of fresh lemon juice to the above mixture.
3. You can add some milk or honey to it if you have very dry skin.
4.  Apply this mixture over your face for 20 minutes.
5.  Wash off with lukewarm or normal water.
6.  Try this remedy 2-3 times a week.


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