10 health benefits of Corn Silk for Kidney, Blood problems, Weight loss, Arthritis & more!

10 health benefits of Corn Silk for Kidney, Blood problems, Weight loss, Arthritis & more!

10 health benefits of Corn Silk for Kidney, Blood problems, Weight loss, Arthritis & more!

10 health benefits of Corn Silk for Kidney, Blood problems, Weight loss, Arthritis & more! - Who doesn’t love corn? We all do. All of us have seen the golden corn with and without its green covering. When we were kids most of us also have played with the hair like strands found under the green covering. Those strands are called corn silk. And after playing they eventually were thrown into dustbin. We never thought that they can be of any use else than using it as wig for playing. But now I am going to tell you some shocking uses of these corn silk strands which will make u wonder why you always threw them away.

The golden strands of corn are of a lot more value than you know. These corn silk strands have been used by native Americas as an herb for treating many aliments since a very long time. Actually very long time - 5000 B.C. to be precise. Studies show that corn silk is very rich in anti-oxidants which are responsible for fighting various diseases. It also contains polyphenols including Sitosterol and Stigmasterol, many vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin K, C and potassium as well.

How to make corn silk tea?
  • Choose quality, dried or fresh corn silk from homegrown or organic corn.
  • Boil 2 glasses of water on a pan, and then pour 1-2 handfuls of dried or fresh corn silk (chopped) with or without 3-4 mint leaves.
  • Cover and let this steep for around 15 minutes or until its cool enough to drink. Then strain.
  • You can add some honey to improve the taste.
  • For best results, drink 2-3 cups a day.

Here are top 10 amazing benefits of corn silk and corn silk tea:

1. Fights Obesity

Obesity is a major health threat affecting a large numbers of populations nowadays. Toxin accumulation and excess water retention is one of the main reasons for obesity. Corn silk helps remove excess water, waste and toxins from the body, thus it helps reduce excess fat in the body. Consume corn silk tea 2-3 times a day to fight obesity.

Read all Easy natural home remedies for Weight loss here

2. Prevents kidney stones & Urinary tract infections

Kidney stone is a very painful condition where small crystallized despotizes are formed inside our kidneys. These crystals may cause a lot of pain in the lower belly region. This can occur if you drink less amount of water. The corn silk has been used since the ancient time to prevent kidney stones from happening. So how does the corn silk help in preventing this? Well, it improves the urine flow and reduces the chances of sediment formation in our kidney, which eventually leads to formation of stones. Though the corn silk does not help in treatment of kidney stonesalready present in your body, but it only prevents it from happening.

3. Assist in blood clotting

Whenever we get a deep cut we usually put ice or turmeric on it. But now I'll tell you one more trick which is more effective than putting ice or turmeric on the cut. Corn silk can help in clotting the blood. As told earlier, the corn silk is abundantly rich in Vitamin K which further helps in the process of blood clotting. Vitamin K makes sure that no excessive bloodis flown from your body when you get an injury.

4. Controls blood sugar

A study in 2009, published in Nutrition and Metabolism journal showed that corn silk extract aids the generation of insulin in human body. A more recent study in 2012, which was published in the International Journal of Biological Macromolecules showed that corn silk polysaccharides helped in reducing blood sugar levels.

Read all Blood related home remedies here like Diabetes, BP, Cholesterol

5. Control cholesterol

Cholesterol is very bad for your health. If it is present in our bloodstream it may become a catalyst to various diseases including cardiovascular problems. To avoid such condition it is very necessary to keep the cholesterollevel low in your body. A study which was carried out in Jilin University of China showed that corn silk consumption reduced the blood cholesterol levels in animals under experiment.
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