Only 2 ingredients to clean body parasites and remove fat storage from body

Only 2 ingredients to clean body parasites and remove fat storage from body

Only 2 ingredients to clean body parasites and remove fat storage from body

Only 2 ingredients to clean body parasites and remove fat storage from body - We say body is a temple. But it can also be a home, ‘home to various parasites! Yes, there are numerous parasites to which your body might be home to. Now you may think that I take bath daily. This can’t happen to me.

But only proper hygiene can’t help you in removing bacteria and parasites from your body. Some might be present inside your body which can’t be eliminated just by proper hygiene.

So today I am going to share with you how you can remove parasites from your body. And that too by using only two simple ingredients! What if I told you now that those two ingredients will also help you in reducing your fat! Isn’t that amazing? So keep reading to know what those two magic ingredients are.

Who doesn’t love yummy food? But more you eat more calories will be created. And if you do not have a way to spend all these calories created in your body these will be stored in your body in the form of fat. So in order to manage the calorie balance in your body you have to follow a strict diet and work out regularly, so that excess calories get burned....you can have a cheat day once in a while;) . But there are also some other reserves which interfere with this simple process of calorie balance.
Other energy reserves include glycogen (stored glucose) and protein (muscle).So these two can change the way our body uses the calories produced in our body as a result of digestion.

Calorie balance

You must be familiar with food cravings. Everybody has them. If you have these sudden and strong urges to eat something sweet or savoury, you have to satiate it. If this happens once in a while then it is fine and there is nothing to worry about but if you have these craving very often then you might be suffering from high levels of stress or even may have parasites in your stomach. Usually small kids have these parasites as a result of playing in dirt and putting every object in their mouth. But adults can have it too.

The consumption of large amounts of sweets creates an environment full of mucus that is perfect for the reproduction of parasites. This environment is also favourable for bacterial and fungal growth in your body.

Natural remedy to remove fat deposits and parasites from your body Ingredients:
  • 100 grams of flaxseed
  • 10 grams of dried cloves


Grind both of the ingredients together thoroughly to prepare a powder. Mix it with a glass of yogurt or kefir, and your remedy is ready.

How to consume it?

For best results, eat this powder for 3 days in a row then take a break for next three days and then again repeat the process.

You will start seeing the results soon.

Within a period of four weeks your body will be free from excess fat deposits, parasites and all other toxins.

This remedy works as a natural cleanser of the body and makes it clean from inside.

How it works?


The active ingredients in the clove are known to have antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anti-parasitic, carminative and anti-flatulent properties. Cloves increase the gut motility and digestion power through improved gastrointestinal enzyme secretions. Thus, it helps relieve indigestion and constipation problems. It is also thought to have a natural anti-parasite (kills intestinal worms) function.


On the other hand, flaxseeds are usually suggested if you want to lose your weight because it contains a lot of fibre in it. Since flax is full of healthy fats and fibre, it will help you feel satisfied longer so you will eat fewer calories overall which may lead to weight loss. Moreover, flax seeds promote bowel movement by increasing the water content and bulk volume of our stools, keeping us nice and regular.

So get started and do your detox at home and become healthy.
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