What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach

What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach

What Happens When You Drink Water with Baking Soda on an Empty Stomach

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Baking soda is something that is available in everybody's kitchen. Not only is it a great cleanser and deodorizer, but it also happens to be a very effective home remedy. 

Taken internally, a baking soda and water concoction has the ability to cure a wide range of ailments naturally and effectively. 

Many a times it is recommended to use drinking soda to cure problems from bee sting to gastric disorders.

1. Heartburn and Indigestion Relief

Baking soda is a readily available and cost-effective way to reduce heartburnand indigestion, as compared to other options like Tums and Rolaids, which also contain bicarbonate. Simply add half a teaspoon of baking powder to two cups of water. An hour after eating, drink this mixture to gain some relief.

2. Cancer Prevention

Baking soda is known to increase the pH value of acidic tumours without affecting the pH balance of healthy tissues and the blood. When you have a pH imbalance, unhealthy organisms are able to flourish, which damage tissues and organs, and compromise the immune system. Baking soda consumption can be used as means of nutritional and immune support for people suffering from cancer.

3. Exercise Enhancer

The benefits of baking soda can change your exercise routine too. It has the power to absorb the lactic acid that builds up in muscles during vigorous workouts, which can delay fatigueand enhance your athletic performance. You can consume baking soda by drinking a teaspoon full soda with a glass of water.

4. Improve Kidney Function

As an alkaline substance, baking soda buffers acids in the body and helps to keep pH level balanced. Low-functioning kidneys have a hard time removing acid from the body, so consuming baking soda will help your kidneys shed some load and function with enhanced efficiency.

5. Reduce Ulcer Pain

Because baking soda neutralizes stomach acid, it’s the perfect remedy for ulcers. Drink a glass of water with 1-2 teaspoons of baking soda to relieve yourself from pain.


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